What we call can learn from Passover. Spoiler alert: you don’t have to be Jewish to learn a few lessons!
A Psychiatrist’s Reflections on Ramadan
If you live in the US, and hear the word Ramadan, what comes up to your mind? The most common answer is fasting. But, there is much more to Ramadan than fasting. One of the communities I grew up in during my formative years was the Muslim community. The majority of my friends and their families were Muslim, and so …
Transgenerational Trauma
Question From a Reader: Dr. A, I am not sure If I am writing you about myself or my son because I feel like we are one and the same. I look at my son and see myself when I was his age. My son is a teenager and has been more moody lately, skipping school, hanging out with the …
Question from a reader: Dr. A, I am a woman in my 30s and was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I got through college, professional life and relationships with some challenges because “I wasn’t like other women.” I don’t think of myself as the “typical person that has autism spectrum disorder and feel like I am normal.” My therapist …
Putting the Self back in Complex PTSD
Learn about what Complex PTSD is and the four steps that you can take to help yourself heal and overcome trauma to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Self Harm in Adolescents: My teen cuts on her wrists – now what?
QUESTION FROM A READER: I noticed that my daughter, who is 14 years old, always wants to wear long sleeve shirts and wants to cover her wrists. The other day, I saw scars on both of her wrists and inner thighs. She talks about how other girls in school cut on themselves when they are upset, and I think she …
Eating Disorders: How to identify them and help teens cope
A QUESTION FOR THE DOCTOR: Dr. A, My 12-year-old daughter struggled with being overweight until she hit a growth spurt. Her weight stayed the same but she grew a few inches. Nobody has ever said anything about her weight, but she recently became obsessed with her weight, how she looks, constantly feeling that she is fat, reading food labels, skipping …
Smartphone addiction: How kids get sucked in and how to help
QUESTION FROM A READER: My tween spends most of her time on her smartphone. She has no interest in hanging out with us as her family. Even when she is sitting with us, she is constantly scrolling through her phone, and doesn’t engage with us. When we take her phone so that she can have supper with us, she is …
Holistic Ways to Treat Insomnia: Part 1
QUESTION FROM A READER: I have been struggling with my sleep lately and wondering about natural ways to help me with my sleep. Because I haven’t been sleeping well, I am tired during the day. I have tried over the counter medications, but I have woken up with a hang over feeling the next morning. ANSWER: Dear Reader, you are …
5 Holistic Ways To Manage Anxiety
QUESTION FROM A READER: I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and I am interested in holistic tools and more natural medicines to manage my anxiety. What treatment options should I bring up with my mental health provider for my treatment for anxiety? ANSWER: I am glad that you are being proactive about your mental health and looking at …